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The POPULATE node generates random numbers, depending on the distribution selected and the input data.Inputs ------ default : OrderedPair|Vector Input to use as the x-axis for the random samples.Params:distribution : selectthe distribution over the random sampleslower_bound : floatthe lower bound of the output intervalupper_bound : floatthe upper bound of the output intervalnormal_mean : floatthe mean or "center" of the normal distributionnormal_standard_deviation : floatthe spread or "width" of the normal distributionpoisson_events : floatthe expected number of events occurring in a fixed time-interval when distribution is poissonReturns:out : OrderedPairx: provided from input data y: the random samples
Python Code
import random
import numpy as np
from flojoy import flojoy, OrderedPair, Vector, display
from typing import Literal, Optional

    default: OrderedPair | Vector,
    distribution: Literal["normal", "uniform", "poisson"] = "normal",
    lower_bound: float = 0,
    upper_bound: float = 1,
    normal_mean: float = 0,
    normal_standard_deviation: float = 1,
    poisson_events: float = 1,
) -> OrderedPair:
    """The POPULATE node generates random numbers, depending on the distribution selected and the input data.

    default : OrderedPair|Vector
        Input to use as the x-axis for the random samples.

    distribution : select
        the distribution over the random samples
    lower_bound : float
        the lower bound of the output interval
    upper_bound : float
        the upper bound of the output interval
    normal_mean : float
        the mean or "center" of the normal distribution
    normal_standard_deviation : float
        the spread or "width" of the normal distribution
    poisson_events : float
        the expected number of events occurring in a fixed time-interval when distribution is poisson

        x: provided from input data
        y: the random samples

    if upper_bound < lower_bound:
        upper_bound, lower_bound = lower_bound, upper_bound

    seed = random.randint(1, 10000)
    my_generator = np.random.default_rng(seed)

    match default:
        case OrderedPair():
            size = len(default.x)
            x = default.x
        case Vector():
            size = len(default.v)
            x = default.v

    match distribution:
        case "uniform":
            y = my_generator.uniform(low=lower_bound, high=upper_bound, size=size)
        case "normal":
            y = my_generator.normal(
                loc=normal_mean, scale=normal_standard_deviation, size=size
        case "poisson":
            y = my_generator.poisson(lam=poisson_events, size=size)

    return OrderedPair(x=x, y=y)

def OVERLOAD(lower_bound, upper_bound, distribution="uniform") -> None:
    return None

def OVERLOAD(normal_mean, normal_standard_deviation, distribution="normal") -> None:
    return None

def OVERLOAD(poisson_events, distribution="poisson") -> None:
    return None

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In this example, LINSPACE is used to generate a list of 1000 samples, it is then passed into two POPULATE nodes, which randomizes the values within the list with a normal (or Gaussian) distribution and a Poisson distribution.

The distribution is then plotted with HISTOGRAM and as expected of a Gaussian distribution, the output of the HISTOGRAM node converges towards a bell curve. The Poisson distribution results in more of a step function.

The POPULATE node requires an input Vector or OrderedPair to function.